Bleaching: Preventing Common Problems
What’s the biggest problem with tooth whitening? If you answered anything other than “Sensitivity!” you haven’t been paying attention. What’s the second biggest.
Dentistry Today is The Nation’s Leading Clinical News Magazine for Dentists. Here you can get the latest dental news from the whole world quickly.
What’s the biggest problem with tooth whitening? If you answered anything other than “Sensitivity!” you haven’t been paying attention. What’s the second biggest.
As oral health practitioners, one of the most important services that we must provide for our patients is treatment rendered with as little.
With advancements in communication, the world has become a much smaller place. Through the use of cell phones, the Internet, and e-mail, one.
Last month in Part 1, the author re-viewed the life cycle of a typical dentist and explained why life planning is more important.
The Internet is having a profound effect on how we practice dentistry. More and more consumers (your patients) are relying on the Internet.
In my educational workshops I talk a lot about the importance of life planning: the idea that dentists need a comprehensive plan that.
At first, a commitment to the interdisciplinary approach to patient care can be intimidating for many dentists and practices. You may think that.
The team members jumped out of their seats and shared high-fives all around the dental office. Celebratory back slaps were exchanged in the.
Last month we looked at some of the challenges facing the health professions, and dentistry in particular, as we transition into electronic record.
From the famous ancient library of Alexandria in Egypt, to the futuristic “singing discs” in H.G. Wells’ The Time Machine, the world of.