
Dental Compression Syndrome and TMD: Examining the Relationship

Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is not just one disorder, but a group of conditions that...

Presenting Occlusion Disease in 3-D for Greater Case Acceptance

Occlusal disease is one the most destructive and neglected elements in dentistry, and it...

The Maxillary Anterior/Posterior Curve of Occlusion

When maxillary and mandibular casts are hand-held in maximum intercuspation, an anterior/posterior, back-and-forth rocking...

Puppy Dog Sales, Part 2: How to Increase Case Acceptance With Integrity and Professionalism

In Part 1 of this article I discussed dentists’ responsibility to help patients make...

Bite Treatment, Part 1: Applying the “Puppy Dog Sales Technique” to Dentistry

Many dentists do not like the term “sell,” and they like even less to...

The Clinical Use of Night Guards: Occlusal Objectives

Are you looking for ways to provide better service for your patients? Set yourself...

Occlusal Interference: Dentistry’s Great Imposter

Figure 1. Patient presents with teeth showing wear. Patients in pain are sometimes difficult...

Success With Occlusal Splints

Do you want your occlusal splints and nightguards to fit perfectly when they come...

Enamel Loss and Occlusal Vertical Dimension Causes and Considerations for Treatment

Treatment of occlusal enamel loss as it relates to human longevity, attrition, bruxism, and...

Dentistry’s Orphan

Photo courtesy of Aesthetic Porcelain Studios, Inc, Los Angeles, Calif. Please consider a simple,...