Oral Surgery
Primary Chronic Osteomyelitis Associated with Extraction of a Periodontally Involved Tooth
INTRODUCTION Osteomyelitis (OM) is an inflammatory condition of bone that involves the medullary cavity...
Oral Cancer Screening
Ethical Considerations for Adjunctive Screening Technologies
INTRODUCTION Early detection of potentially premalignant oral mucosal abnormalities is essential in the battle...
Oral Surgery
Extracting Teeth With Less Trauma
CASE REPORT Diagnosis and Treatment Planning Dan came to my office for a second...
Oral Cancer Screening
The Risk of Omission: Alarming New Oral Cancer Trends
If you or a loved one has ever been the recipient of a medical...
Oral Cancer Screening
Photography: An Integral Component of Oral Cancer Screening
There are several currently available adjunctive visual screening devices on the market, and they...
Oral-Systemic Health
Systemic Diseases and Dental Treatment: Talking With Your Patients
Now, more than ever, patients are hearing about the “mouth-body” connections between systemic disease...
Oral-Systemic Health
Connecting the Dots: Can Your Practice Be in the Lifesaving Business?
The oral-systemic disease connection is a revolutionary chance for astute dentists to change the...
Oral Medicine
Emerging Opportunities for the Next Generation of Dental Implants?
Science informs the clinical practice of dentistry! The pioneering scientific investigations of Bränemark and...
Oral Medicine
Herbal Supplements May Require Modifications of Dental Treatment
The use of herbal supplements by the American public as nonprescription therapeutic or preventive...
Oral Medicine
You’re the Only Chance I Have!
I had barely walked in the door and introduced myself when Bob, a very...