Saving Lives in the Dental Office
When you were in dental hygiene school, did you ever imagine that one day...
Simplifying Single-Stage Solid Abutments: Techniques for Impressioning and Temporization
Single-stage implants are being utilized more frequently. Currently, Straumann ITI, Lifecore Biomedical, Sulzer Paragon,...
Infection Control
Preparing for the Flu Season
Influenza (“the flu”) is a contagious respiratory illness caused by 2 types of influenza...
Developing a Successful Financial System
Financial guidelines are the key to practice success. A rock-solid payment system can significantly...
Oral Medicine
Labial Bone Concavity of the Anterior Mandible: A Case Report
The differential diagnoses for an asymptomatic cyst-like radiolucent lesion of the anterior mandible include...
Pediatric Dentistry
A Successful Approach to the Management of Children Part 1
Building and sustaining a successful dental practice has never been an easy task, but...
Using Polyvinyl Impressions for Study Models: A Case Report
While alginate is a good impression material, utilization can demand ideal, sometimes restricting conditions...
The Use of Sectional Matrix Systems in Class II Direct Composite Restorations
Class II (interproximal) decay and/or a failing restoration that involves a posterior proximal surface...
Solving the Problems of Maxillary Asymmetry and the Gummy Smile
What is the most recognizable signal in the world? Consider this answer: “The smile...
Using the Golden Proportion in Aesthetic Treatment: A Case Report
The ratio of Golden Proportion, 1 to 0.618, can be found in a remarkable...