Articles Magazine

Boring Basics The Magic Potion for Success

Professional athletes know it. Airline pilots practice it daily. Religions have thrived for centuries...

Partnering For Success Doctor/Technician Communication

The Cosmetic Revolution, fueled by 80 million baby boomers who want to remain young...

Dentistry for Sale What Makes a Patient Buy Into a Treatment Plan?

Nothing produces a quickened pulse like making a proposal. Whether you’re proposing marriage, a...

On-Hold Time Taking a Look at an Often-Overlooked Marketing Opportunity

When patients call a dentist’s office to make an appointment or to get information,...

Soft-Tissue Root Coverage: Clinical Rationale and Case Report

Although tissue grafting for root coverage is not a new concept,1  periodontal plastic surgery...

Mandibular Overdentures Retained With Porous-Surfaced Implants

Construction of conventional mandibular dentures can be a frustrating restorative procedure for dentists to...

New Study: The Value of Emotional Intelligence in Dentistry

A middle-aged man peers into the mirror. His mouth looks and feels wrong. His...

Aesthetic Posterior Crowns With Minimal Tooth Reduction

This article describes the rationale, clinical technique, and laboratory procedures for producing aesthetic porcelain-to-metal...

A Simple and Elegant Impression Technique

Making an accurate representation of your preparations is paramount for well-fitting fixed prosthetics. This...

Evaluation and Management of TMDs, Part 1 History, Epidemiology, Classification, Anatomy, and Patient Evaluation

Temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) include a number of clinical problems that involve the masticatory musculature,...