Tablet PCs: The Future of Computing?
In previous articles in Dentistry Today (August and November, 2002), I examined the advantages...
Optimum Dental Care, Part 1 – The Diagnostic Phase
Today’s general practice has the opportunity to offer a variety of services that will...
The Paper Point Technique, Part 2
In part 1 of this 2-part article on paper point measurements, the rationale behind...
The Use of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate in Clinical and Surgical Endodontics
A significant problem in clinical dentistry in general, and in restorative dentistry and endodontics...
Evidence-Based Dentistry – How to Use It
It was 1784 when the earliest masked assessment seems to have been performed by...
A New Implant Restorative Protocol The Implant Resin Restoration
Until recently, implants have been restored with either PFM structures or removable partial dentures...
Missed Opportunities: Patients Lost to Lack of Understanding and Marketing
You are seeing a patient who has been in your practice for years. Her...
Mastering Complete Care: The Other Skills You Need to Stay Ahead of the Curve
In the early days of your dental practice, you probably equated success with satisfying...
Multi-Modality Anterior Extraction Site Grafting Increased Predictability for Aesthetics
The extraction of teeth creates a documented loss of bone. In the anterior maxilla,...
Anxiolysis in General Dental Practice
In this age of anxiety, pain control and sedation have become important aspects of...