Denture Adhesives Usage in Removable Prosthodontics
Clinical prosthodontics has focused on approaches to improving retention and stability of dentures. In...
Eight Steps to HIPAA Privacy Compliance
Step aside OSHA, CDC, EPA, FDA, and BDE. The federal law for the Health...
Replacing a Fractured Cemented Post
Providing highly accurate, simple, and consistent final crown and bridge impressions is a critical...
Technique and Materials for Obtaining Accurate Impressions in 60 to 90 Seconds
When treating patients who require indirect restorations (eg, full- and partial-coverage crowns, inlays, and...
The Aesthetic Edge A New Approach to Smile Design
Dentists who are experienced with cosmetic treatment know that subtle variations in the shapes...
A Multiphase Approach to Direct Composite Veneering
We live in a world of choices, yet veneer-based smile rehabs have typically come...
Ensuring the Quality of Aesthetic Veneers With Digital Shade Analysis
In the September 2002 issue of Dentistry Today, I examined the importance color can...
A Review of Paresthesia in Association with Administration of Local Anesthesia
Local anesthetics allow dentistry to be practiced without patient discomfort. Serious complications associated with...
Alternatives for Topical Anesthesia
Dental patients’ fear of pain caused by injections of local anesthetic in the course...
Digital Dental Voice Transcription: An Exciting New Communications Tool
How valuable is the written word? Think about the professionals who actually depend on...