High-Quality Panoramic Radiographs: Tips and Tricks
The overall quality of panoramic radiographs can be greatly improved when particular attention is...
Bridging the Diagnostic Void: A Case Study in Early Detection and Modern Conservative Care
Over the years there has been a persistent frustration in diagnostic restorative dentistry that...
Technique for Achieving General Field Isolation During Dental Procedures
When Dr. Sanford C. Barnum of New York invented the rubber dam on March...
Capping Carious Exposed Pulps With Potassium Nitrate, Dimethyl Isosorbide, Polycarboxylate Cement
Capping exposed pulps is currently an infrequent procedure because of a general lack of...
Bleaching for Various Complexions
Bleaching is the most popular advance made in cosmetic dentistry in the past few...
Dental Computing, Some Small Steps: Working Smarter is Easier and Saves money
The sagging economy and gloomy stock market make this a great time to invest...
Innovations in Endodontics Instruments and Techniques: How They Simplify Treatment
After a relatively static 30-year period from the 1950s to the 1980s endodontic practitioners...
Trends in Dental Hygiene: Shaping the Way Dental Practitioners Do Business
Wouldn’t it be great if you had a crystal ball and could foresee the...
Aesthetic Breakthrough: Soft Tissue Lasers
Possibly one of the most important technical breakthroughs in cosmetic dentistry since dentin bonding...
Insurance Freedom: Is There Such a Thing?
The catch phrase for dental practices in the new millennium is to become an...