High-Quality Panoramic Radiographs
The overall quality of panoramic radiographs can be greatly improved with greater attention to...
Clinical Use of a New Metal-Free Restorative Technology
Unquestionably, one of the most intensely satisfying aspects of cosmetic dentistry is surpassing patient...
SensiStat: A New Saliva-Based Composition for Simple and Effective Treatment of Dentinal Sensitivity Pain
It has been estimated that approximately 30 million American adults suffer from short, sharp,...
Sports Dentistry
Brain Injury in Sports Related to Trauma to the Lower Jaw
Recent media attention to traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) in sports is primarily due to...
Conservative Aesthetic Treatment of Dark Necrotic Teeth: Efficient Internal Bleaching
In dental school, in the mid-1980s, we learned of the “walking bleach technique.” A...
Clinical Dentistry and the Internet: A Marriage Made in Heaven?
There are few practices today that are running without the assistance of at least...
The Interdisciplinary Referral
The only constant is change. There have been approximately 800 generations of mankind. It...
The Hygiene Department From the Doctor’s Perspective
During over 35 years of practicing dentistry and consulting with dentists and dental practices,...
Stand and Deliver: Fast Track Your Staff to Accountability and Exceptional Performance
Who’s bringing the bagels tomorrow? In the vast majority of practices we observe, this...
Seventh-Generation Adhesive Systems
Over the past two decades, the evolution of adhesive techniques has transformed the scope...