Inheriting an Implant Case: A Cautionary Tale
The TV show Strange Inheritance (Fox Business Channel) deals with stories about unusual inheritances...
Minimally Invasive Dentistry
Anterior Aesthetics Through Composite Artistry
INTRODUCTION Direct composite resin has the ability to offer an alternative to lab-fabricated all-ceramic...
The Right Questions May Save a Life!
INTRODUCTION There are days I love what I do; there are also days I...
Chairside Smile Design for Injection Molded Anteriors: Treatment of a Peg Lateral and a Diastema Case
Figure 1a. The Bioclear Anterior Matrix Kit. Figure 1b. The Smile Design Gauge (Bioclear),...
An Efficient and Reliable Post and Core Technique
INTRODUCTION Background Dentists frequently encounter patients presenting with teeth requiring endodontic treatment. When indicated...
The Power of Imaging and Imagery
The old saying that a picture is worth a thousand words is especially true...
Minimally Invasive Dentistry
Direct Composite Resin Veneers
INTRODUCTION I began placing restorations using composite resins very shortly after graduating from dental...
The Evolution of Universal Restoratives: A Leap Forward
INTRODUCTION A Brief Historical Background It was Dr. Rafael Bowen who developed and introduced...
Simplifying Clinical Challenges
Periodically, every general dentist encounters clinical situations that can increase his or her stress...
Zirconia Reinvented
Every dental material ever created by a manufacturer has gone on a journey—some longer...