Indirect Restorative Tooth Preparation: Extreme Efficiency and Accuracy
Many options are available when preparing teeth for indirect restorative care.1-4 The ultimate goal...
Dental Digital Photography ’05: Top Five Frequently Asked Questions
For the past 3 years, I’ve had the privilege of updating readers on the...
Advantages of Electric-Driven Handpieces During Tooth Preparation
As amalgam restorations break down and need to be replaced, composite restorations are becoming...
Form and Function in Cosmetic Dentistry
Sometimes great opportunities present themselves in our dental office, and unless we are careful...
Anterior Application of an Indirect Composite: A Doctor/Technician Liaison™s Perspective
Knowing when, how, and why to utilize a particular indirect restorative material is crucial...
Form and Function: A Balancing Act
Achieving desired cosmetic results that are durable and aesthetically pleasing has long been a...
Redefining the Ideal Patient
Admit it. You, too, have fantasized about having a practice full of “ideal” dental...
Emergency Post and Core Buildup Case Report
With the use of the latest generation of bonding agents, building up teeth with...
Contemporary Quadrant Restoration Using Current Crown and Bridge Materials and Techniques
I have a very good friend, also an excellent dentist, who hasn’t changed the...
The Use of Sectional Matrix Systems in Class II Direct Composite Restorations
Class II (interproximal) decay and/or a failing restoration that involves a posterior proximal surface...