
Bio-Rejuvenation Dentistry: Utilizing Nanohybrid Flowable Composite Techniques

INTRODUCTION Generalized tooth wear, attrition, and erosion can significantly decrease an individual’s vertical dimension...

Posterior Composite Restorations: Increasing Predictability

INTRODUCTION The term “universal” seems to be used frequently in the adhesion/composite-resin-materials world today....

Why Clinicians Mistrust Bulk Fills for Class II Restorations

INTRODUCTION According to most studies, layering produces voids in more than half of restorations...

A Modern Approach to Post and Core Restoration: An Evolving Paradigm

INTRODUCTION “The foremost purpose of a dowel is to provide retention for a core...

A More Efficient and Detailed Impression Technique

Figure 1. Wash material with poor tear strength will affect the accuracy in capturing...

Cosmetic Dentistry in Today’s Selfie Culture: Conservative Treatment for an Adolescent

Adolescents are greatly affected by their perception of their appearance, which can have an...

Tissue Management for Restorative Dentistry

INTRODUCTION Management of the soft tissues during restorative procedures is often not discussed but...

A 15-Minute Direct Class II Composite Technique: Supragingival Restorative Principles

The direct Class II composite restoration is one of the most common restorative procedures...

Easier and Faster Aesthetic Bonding: The Keys to Success

INTRODUCTION There are unique challenges to running any type of business. I think any...

The Injection Molded Class II Restoration

Figure 1. Illustration of the Clark Class II restoration (left), slot prep (middle), and...