
Technology It’s All About Relationships

Doctor, I have a proposal. I’d like you to hire me. It’s a sweet...

Defensive Driving When Considering Dental Software, Be Wary of “Blind Spots”

Computers have changed dentistry, and the dental software we choose has a tremendous influence...

Managing Your Practice Through Team Accountability

Fantastic! Unbelievable! Amazing! At least that’s what you were thinking when you purchased and...

The Indisputable Missing Link: What’s Not in Your Computer Management System

Against an impressive backdrop of computer hardware and software designed to support virtually every...

Tablet PCs: The Future of Computing?

In previous articles in Dentistry Today (August and November, 2002), I examined the advantages...

Digital Dental Voice Transcription: An Exciting New Communications Tool

How valuable is the written word? Think about the professionals who actually depend on...

Pest Control for Your Computers

You’ve heard and read about computer viruses until you’re sick of the word virus....

Dental Computing, Some Small Steps: Working Smarter is Easier and Saves money

The sagging economy and gloomy stock market make this a great time to invest...

Clinical Dentistry and the Internet: A Marriage Made in Heaven?

There are few practices today that are running without the assistance of at least...

Digital Image Management on the Cheap

Figure 1. Windows XP displays folders with mini photos on the cover. Figure 2....