Technology It’s All About Relationships
Doctor, I have a proposal. I’d like you to hire me. It’s a sweet deal, really, an excellent working relation-ship…just keep reading. You.
Dentistry Today is The Nation’s Leading Clinical News Magazine for Dentists. Here you can get the latest dental news from the whole world quickly.
Doctor, I have a proposal. I’d like you to hire me. It’s a sweet deal, really, an excellent working relation-ship…just keep reading. You.
Computers have changed dentistry, and the dental software we choose has a tremendous influence on how well the whole dental office functions1 (and.
Fantastic! Unbelievable! Amazing! At least that’s what you were thinking when you purchased and installed the updated version of your practice management software..
Against an impressive backdrop of computer hardware and software designed to support virtually every activity of a dental practice, it seems inconceivable that,.
In previous articles in Dentistry Today (August and November, 2002), I examined the advantages of having computers in treatment rooms and specifically looked.
How valuable is the written word? Think about the professionals who actually depend on the written word to make their living—lawyers, authors, marketers,.
You’ve heard and read about computer viruses until you’re sick of the word virus. If you have never encountered a computer virus, then.
The sagging economy and gloomy stock market make this a great time to invest in your practice! The old adage, Invest in what.
There are few practices today that are running without the assistance of at least one computer system and dental practice management software. Most.
Figure 1. Windows XP displays folders with mini photos on the cover. Figure 2. Windows XP film strip viewer. Figure 3. Windows XP.