
She Has Computer Experience…Just Not the Kind Your Office Needs

Experience. It’s a word that conveys different meanings to different people. When seeking employment,...

Laser Soft-Tissue Therapy to Regenerate a Gingival Papilla

I am a laser dentist. The use of dental lasers has changed how I...

A Six-Step Plan to a Paperless Practice

Most dental practices have come to realize how quickly technology has become part of...

Why Most Dental Web Sites Fail

To convert Internet users into patients, you need more than just a Web site....

Ten Ways to Tell It Is Time to Upgrade Your PCs or Get a Server

Now that we are into September and the end of the year is less...

Taking the Headache Out of Impressions

As dentists, we do the best we can to take a good impression. Despite...

Computer-Generated Smile Analysis: Part 2

In this 2-part article describing the use of Adobe Photoshop Elements 4.0 and 5.0...

CEREC and Invisalign: How the Technologies Complement Each Other

In the ever-changing world of technology and dentistry, as one new wave of technology...

Computer-Generated Smile Analysis: Part 1

This is a 2-part article that describes how to complete a thorough smile analysis...

The Digital Age and Image of Dentistry

The second time is a charm, the old saying goes. After experiencing burnout and...