
Ten Commonly Asked Computer Questions…and Answers: Part 1

Computers can be intimidating and frustrating, but why? I believe it is because we...

Work Smarter! Let Your Computers Work Harder! Five Free Computer Habits to Increase Practice Profitability

Computers have profoundly changed the ways an efficient dental practice operates. This article discusses...

Make Technology Work for You

Technology is here to stay and will continue to become more sophisticated and advanced....

Implementing Technology to Its Fullest Advantage

Do you spend a fortune on technological advances but feel unable to incorporate them...

Managed Services for Your Dental Practice

The term Managed Services is one of the latest catch phrases and covers a...

Information is King!

We are very lucky to be living in the year 2006, especially when it...

Filling in the Blanks for Practice Management Software

As many dentists are well aware, numerous integrated technology systems are part of the...

Virtual Diagnostics Using Cone Beam CT

Advances in medical imaging, computer-aided design (CAD), and computer- aided manufacturing (CAM) are changing...

What Is Your Excuse (for Not Implementing Digital Technologies Into Your Practice)?

When I work with other dentists to implement technology successfully into their practices, several...

Do All Dentists Use Lasers?

“Do all dentists use lasers?” This is a question I hear daily from patients....