
Digital Panoramic Radiography: Improving Efficiency in Patient Care

What makes some practices sparkle, while others may be comfortable for the dentist but...

Patient Communication: Moving Beyond 2 Tin Cans and a String

Just a few years ago it was considered revolutionary, but today it is clearly...

The Use of Diode Lasers in Periodontal Therapy: Literature Review and Suggested Technique

It is accepted worldwide by dental clinicians and researchers that “Periodontal disease comprises a...

The Reality of the Paperless Dental Office

For dental offices looking to take advantage of the efficiencies of the Internet, many...

The Digital Staff Learning Session: A Way to Save Time and Money

Practice management consultants recommend that one of the ways for dentists to have a...

My Office Is Saving Money and Time…Yours Can, Too!

As our practices perform more procedures with larger out-of-pocket costs for our patients, we...

Cyber Solutions to Practice Problems

From online training to digital overhead control to collections that click, today’s thriving dental...

Protecting Your Computer From Viruses, Worms, and Other Pests

Does it seem like there have not been any new viruses released recently? It...

E-Services: The Business Case for Implementation in Today’s Dental Practice

Dentists practicing today are living in a historic time for our profession: we are...

Computer Backup, Clones, and Stem Cells

Paradoxically, computer backup has never been easier or less expensive, but it has never...