Occlusal Appliances: A New Material
An occlusal appliance is a noninvasive, removable, hard acrylic device that fits on the incisal and occlusal surfaces of the teeth.1 The appliance.
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An occlusal appliance is a noninvasive, removable, hard acrylic device that fits on the incisal and occlusal surfaces of the teeth.1 The appliance.
Cosmetic dentistry has become more prevalent in our culture due to media coverage on television and in print. Patients are asking more and.
Many high-strength ceramic systems have recently emerged on the dental market. Of these, Cercon Zirconia (DENTSPLY/Ceramco) has proven its durability and aesthetics to.
I’ve wanted to write a constructive article relating impression taking to die trimming for a long time. I’ve put it off because I.
Experiencing our profession as a doctor-technician liaison is like looking through a unique, interdisciplinary window into our complex technological and relationship-based professions. This.
Shade communication between the dentist and the laboratory can be a challenge. It is often difficult to communicate the various nuances of color.
Impressions must capture all the details of our preparations and be dimensionally accurate to be of optimum benefit to the dental office and.
In recent years, the use of CAD/CAM systems has become popular in dentistry. The CAD/CAM systems that are used in dental applications generally.
Many practitioners believe denture cases are decreasing in the United States. This fact is attributed, in part, to improvements in preventive dental care.
Communication between the dentist and dental laboratory has entered a renaissance in recent years. In the past, the dental laboratory technician was looked.