The Functional and Aesthetic Indications for Soft- Tissue (Gingival) Grafting
The healthy soft tissue surrounding the natural dentition is composed of the gingiva and alveolar mucosa, which are clearly demarcated into clinically identifiable.
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The healthy soft tissue surrounding the natural dentition is composed of the gingiva and alveolar mucosa, which are clearly demarcated into clinically identifiable.
Advanced periodontitis in the anterior maxilla may be associated with an unaesthetic smile. When severe attachment loss is present, comprehensive cosmetic reconstruction cannot.
Periodontal diseases are infections of the periodontium.1 Once there is an immune response to a bacterial challenge, then the process is referred to.
In the field of oral aesthetics, the final vision should be perceived before treatment techniques commence. The final vision or perception is tempered.
Although tissue grafting for root coverage is not a new concept,1 periodontal plastic surgery and aesthetic soft-tissue grafting for root coverage have not.
One type of surgical intervention that was used in the 1960s, had resurgence in the 1990s, and is currently very popular.
For those patients with moderate-to-severe periodontal disease, tooth mobility can contribute to discomfort when eating and decreased masticatory and occlusal function. Tarnow and.
The increased bacterial burden resulting from poor oral hygiene and periodontal diseases may increase the risk for certain respiratory diseases such as pneumonia.
What can be more rewarding than a patient telling her dentist, “You’ve changed my life!” It happened in my office, and what a.
Traditionally, periodontal disease has been diagnosed by a radiographic and clinical examination including the assessment of plaque, gingival inflammation (usually bleeding on probing),.