Leveraging Technology for Productivity and Best Outcomes
INTRODUCTION It will be news to no one that new technologies are changing the clinical practice and the dental laboratory workflow. As the.
Dentistry Today is The Nation’s Leading Clinical News Magazine for Dentists. Here you can get the latest dental news from the whole world quickly.
INTRODUCTION It will be news to no one that new technologies are changing the clinical practice and the dental laboratory workflow. As the.
INTRODUCTION The growing popularity of dental implants, along with the increased awareness of the need for adequate bone to place them, has made.
INTRODUCTION Class V composite restorations are placed every day in the restorative dental practice. Whether the cause is dental caries or abfraction, this.
Quite often, dentists are the first health professionals to recognize the effects of bulimia nervosa. As dentists, we all know how much havoc.
INTRODUCTION Recently, I was in a very popular chat room for dentists and became engaged in a heated debate with some colleagues who.
INTRODUCTION The digital revolution has taken over every facet of our lives. Our impulsiveness and the need for immediate gratification drive us. We.
Introduction The aesthetic quality at pontics, especially of long-span fixed partial dentures (FPDs), can be problematic. While fabricating a 3-unit bridge can be.
Figure 1. Upper first molar had been extracted. Figure 2. Missing first molar was visible in the patient’s smile, causing her to be.
INTRODUCTION A Brief History of Crown and Bridge Materials and Techniques In the early days of dental history, the art of dental fixed.
Historically, dental students have been taught that the incisal edge of the maxillary central incisors should extend approximately 2.0 mm coronal to the.