Emergency Post and Core Buildup Case Report
With the use of the latest generation of bonding agents, building up teeth with composite cores prior to restoring them with crowns has.
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With the use of the latest generation of bonding agents, building up teeth with composite cores prior to restoring them with crowns has.
I have a very good friend, also an excellent dentist, who hasn’t changed the way he performs crown and bridge dentistry in the.
Class II (interproximal) decay and/or a failing restoration that involves a posterior proximal surface is still a common finding in most dental patients..
Perhaps one of the most frustrating situations in the dental office is to craft an aesthetic restoration and have the patient call the.
Figure 1. Fractured amalgam. Figure 2. Preparation, adjacent tooth with a 6-year-old Concept onlay. Figure 3. Unicem bonded, paradigm inlay. Figure 4. Polished.
Porcelain veneers are a very conservative approach to changing the shape, shade, and contour of teeth without resorting to a full coverage restoration.1.
With all of the excitement in the media concerning cosmetic dental makeovers and “spa dentistry,” it’s possible sometimes for dentists to lose our.
Last month, I examined a set of criteria for the diagnosis of recurrent decay and when to change an old restoration. In this.
Contemporary dentistry dictates a new paradigm in restoring posterior teeth. Historically, since the middle 1800s, teeth have been restored with either gold or.