Breaking Bone to Create Stronger Bone for Implant Surgery
Although it seems counterintuitive, a bone break can lead to a stronger bone that can support an oral implant. Introducing microcracks in the.
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Although it seems counterintuitive, a bone break can lead to a stronger bone that can support an oral implant. Introducing microcracks in the.
Investigating the effect of different milk formulas on dental plaque pH, a study selected 6 commercial infant milk formulas for evaluation. The study.
A recent article published in the journal Cell Stem Cell describes research by scientists at the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research.
In the first human study of its kind, researchers found that using stem cells to regrow craniofacial tissues—mainly bone—proved quicker, more effective, and.
The ideal sedative for oral surgery should make the patient comfortable during the surgery and should wear off quickly enough that the patient.
Orthognathic surgery affecting the jaws and face requires a balancing act in anesthetic technique. Factors such as limiting blood loss, avoiding respiratory depression,.
A University of Louisville (UofL) scientist has found a way to prevent inflammation and bone loss surrounding the teeth by blocking a natural.
A study published in the Journal of Periodontology measured melatonin levels in the gingival crevicular fluid and saliva of patients with healthy oral.
A study published in the Journal of Clinical Periodontology characterized the mineralized tissue formed constitutively in the supracalvarial region of severe combined immunodeficiency.
A study published in the European Journal of Orthodontics evaluated the use of fluoride varnish as a prophylaxis method with self-etching primer (SEP).