Dentoalveolar Reconstruction and Implant Outcomes
When insufficient bone exists for the placement of dental implants, dentoalveolar reconstruction procedures such as sinus lifts or guided-tissue regeneration may be used.
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When insufficient bone exists for the placement of dental implants, dentoalveolar reconstruction procedures such as sinus lifts or guided-tissue regeneration may be used.
Many dental offices are seeing patients (particularly young people) with pierced tongues, lips, or cheeks. Such piercings can lead to oral complications, including.
Dental patients are being seen in Emergency Room departments in increasing numbers. Patients who cannot gain access to routine care are using hospitals.
Obesity affects approximately 51 million Americans, and an additional 69 million Americans are overweight. According to an article by Marciani, et al overweight.
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A study by Janket, et al, originally published in Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontics, analyzed several cohort studies.
A study by Weterman, et al, originally published in Pediatric Dentistry, assessed the effect of argon laser irradiation of the enamel.
After tooth extractions in the anterior mandible, one option is to wait until bone has healed within the extraction sites before placing implants..
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Most studies pertaining to the relationship of third molars to periodontal conditions have been conducted on small patient samples. Elter, et al assessed.