Editor’s Page

Use Technology, But Don’t Check Your Brain At The Door

Despite all of the technology we see being used in many of our procedures,...

Attacking the ‘Spare Time’ Stack

As I am finally settling into this new position, and as a practicing dentist,...

Almost at the Finish Line

Beware the Ides of March. That time has passed, but we are still not...

Frustration and Hope

As we finish the first quarter of 2021, things are somewhat better. We all...


Welcome to 2021, and I hope we will all be seeing a bright new...

A 2020 Prediction Proved True!

As we entered into this year, the title of my January column was “Change...

Missing the in-Person Dental Meetings?

As we arrived at the first full month of fall, it seemed strange, to...

The ‘New Normal’?

As we arrive into the beginning of autumn with this issue of Dentistry Today,...

Presenting a Combined Focus

As we move forward in 2020, we are thankful to know that most dentists...

Coronavirus! Putting the Outbreak in a Different Perspective

As we arrive once again at Oral Cancer Awareness Month, COVID-19 has been absolutely...