O-RING CAP – Zest Anchors
Zest Anchors has developed a pivoting o-ring cap for use on existing o-ring ball abutments or o-ring implants. The SATURNO O-Ring Attachment is.
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Zest Anchors has developed a pivoting o-ring cap for use on existing o-ring ball abutments or o-ring implants. The SATURNO O-Ring Attachment is.
The Tapered Screw-Vent Implant with full texturing and crestal microgrooves is designed to create favorable conditions for marginal bone preservation and optimal clinical.
Zila’s angled exam mirror is part of the ViziLite Plus oral lesion identification and marking system. The mirror is autoclavable and attaches to.
The LOCATOR Retrofit for ERA Root Attachment is designed to convert worn or damaged standard-sized ERA attachments to a new locator attachment. When.