Todays Dental News

A Short Case Study: Odontoma or Osteoma?

A patient came in with pain on tooth No. 31. It was an abutment...

Dental Hygienists Need to Keep Up With Changing Technology

Over the last decade, there have been incredible advances in dental technology. More recently,...

Maximize the Free Growth Opportunities Around Your Dental Practice

When your team members call patients or accept an incoming call to take a...

O’Loughlin’s Retirement Marks Changes at the ADA

Dr. Kathleen T. O’Loughlin has announced her upcoming retirement at the end of 2021,...

Dental Hygiene Careers Remain Rewarding Despite Challenges

It’s no secret that dental hygiene is considered a great profession. In fact, year...

Dental Hygiene Treatment Intersects With COVID-19 Prevention

The advent of COVID-19 has left an indelible mark on every citizen and industry...

Your Practice’s Online Image Depends on Patient Reviews

In this day and age, you can find online reviews for just about every...

Don’t Lose Your Purpose in the Race for Results

I think we’ve lost the plot. Yoga philosophy teaches us that we all have...

Q&A: Dental Hygiene as a Top Job with Maureen Howes of Aspen Dental

US News & World Report has named dental hygiene the fifth best healthcare support...

Five Ways You Can Ease Your Patients’ Dental Phobia

Most people don’t look forward to going to the dentist. It’s entirely normal for...