Todays Dental News

How to Market Your Practice and Keep Your Patients During the Epidemic

We recognize that most practices are taking the ADA’s recommendation and closing their doors...

Instant Results—The Most Common Dental SEO Myth

Effective marketing can make the difference between a dental practice that is thriving and...

A Short Case Study: Large Cyst or Granuloma?

A patient came in with pain on tooth No. 15. The diagnosis was necrotic...

Courage Versus Fear in Dentistry and Beyond

Due to the coronavirus panic early in March, my weekend plans for an anniversary...

Dentures and the Platinum Rule

No matter what our focus is in dentistry, it always pays to, on occasion,...

How Your Practice Can Survive the Pandemic

To say that this time in the dental industry is unprecedented would be an...

Restoratives Offer Lasting Protection with Minimal Learning Curve

SPONSORED EDITORIAL One of the biggest impediments to testing new materials is that restorative...

Q&A: COVID-19 Treatment With AAE President Dr. Keith V. Krell

Practices are limiting care to urgent and emergency cases to limit exposure to the...

Inspiring Dentists Provide Emergency Care During the COVID-19 Crisis

In times of crisis, the most remarkable things can happen. The entrance into 2020...

Coping With the Coronavirus

We spoke with Dr. John Molinari, PhD, The Dental Advisor’s educator and consultant in...