Todays Dental News

Reputation Management Starts with the Revenue Cycle

At a time when three out of four patients rely on online reviews in selecting a...

Break Your Smartphone Addiction to Improve Your Productivity

Your screen time is up 17% this week. You are averaging 6 hours and...

The Top 10 Blogs of 2019

Dentistry is no stranger to controversy. When news about the profession breaks into the...

The Top 10 News Stories of 2019

Dentistry is always changing, with new developments in technology, techniques, education, and policy. Here...

The Top 10 Clinical Articles of 2019

We saw many significant advances in clinical care in 2019, and we’re proud to...

Diabetes Will Have a Growing Impact on the Oral Health of Our Aging Population

As baby boomers glide into the next chapter of being considered senior citizens, health...

Does Your Dental Practice Provide the Mercedes-Benz Experience?

Mercedes-Benz earns its reputation as an industry leader in luxury vehicles through its commitment...

Delta Dental of Massachusetts Settles Class Action Lawsuit Filed in 2012

Michael P. Adams, DDS, and the group dental practice of Cohen, Silvestri, & Hammer...

Your Dental Practice Needs a Unique Selling Proposition

Always remember that you’re unique, just like everyone else. This paradox may refer to...

Evaluate Your Insurance Plans Every Year

We all have certain habits that are not truly in our best interest. Some...