Todays Dental News

Bad Dentists and the Professional Code of Silence

Every profession inclusive of law enforcement, medicine, education, and law has an unfortunate number...

How Dental Entrepreneurs Can Franchise Their Practices

Franchising is not for everybody. But before we dig into how to franchise your...

Bring Your Profit Vampires Out of the Shadows

You think you know where your profits and losses are, but there may be...

Great Shape! Improves Smiles in Jamaica

Since 2003, Great Shape! has partnered with International SmilePower and the Jamaica Ministry of...

Use SMS to Mount a Mobile Testimonial Campaign for Your Dental Office

In a world where people are glued to their cell phones, it’s important for...

The Pros and Cons of a Proposed Dental Filling Material

Dental fillings have been successfully employed since the 1800s as an expedient method for...

Some Thoughts on Leadership

I have had the opportunity to work in the dental industry for most of...

The Problem of Overproduction—Or, Why You Don’t Want Great Days

More than likely you’ve had monster production days in the past. The “Yes!” train...

Looking Beyond My Practice

I was 14 years into my career as a dentist when I began thinking...

Dentists Volunteer to Help Those Who Served Our Country

Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get; we make...