Todays Dental News

Top 25 First Impressions Products

In First Impressions, George Freedman, DDS, gives readers a brief summary of products that...

Remember Your ABCs When Booking Millennials

Millennials use their phone for almost everything: ordering groceries, hailing Ubers, reviewing businesses, shopping—the...

Teledentistry, Private Practice Dentistry, and the Virtual Workflow

Teledentistry is commonly associated with expanding access to care in public health dentistry, usually...

Finding the Right Consultant Requires Due Diligence

Previously, we discussed potential pitfalls awaiting unsuspecting doctors from the dental consulting industry. Three...

Does Your Dental Practice’s Website Pass the Test?

Your dental practice has invested a lot of time and, most likely, money into...

Disruption Awaits for 401(k) Plans—And It Will Be Great for You

If you’re over the age of 40, you probably remember standing in a crowded...

A Good Blog Better Engages Your Patients

Of all the content strategies in online marketing, blogging has held on as the...

Should You Sign Up for That Insurance Plan?

Dentists are always looking for opportunities to increase production and revenue. Signing up for...

Beware the Charlatans Posing as Dental Consultants

Small-business dentistry is no longer the same industry it was even a decade ago....

Five Habits for Successfully Handling the Stress of a Dental Career

When was the last time you felt stressed because things didn’t go according to...