Todays Dental News

What Dentists Earn: 2017 Edition

Do you feel financially secure? The Bureau of Labor Statistics has released its latest...

What Every Dentist Needs to Know About the New Amalgam Regulations

Dealing with a new dental regulation may seem as appealing as getting a root...

Patients Prefer Personalized Care Despite Private Practice’s Decline

Historically, independence in the dental industry was the name of the game. More than...

The New Gingivitis Code: What Do We Do Now?

Prior to the D4346 code for gingival inflammation, many dentists and hygienists were performing...

Research Trends Emerge at Dental Sleep Medicine Conference

The American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine (AADSM) recently hosted its 26th Annual Meeting...

Flossing Myths, Evidence, and Humor

A patient tells a dental hygienist or dentist, “I always use a really firm...

Anti-Inflammatory Diets Prevent Tooth Loss

Diet has a significant effect in the development of dental caries. Yet the role...

Hygienists Can Practice Solo in Wisconsin Community Settings

On June 21, Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin signed Act 20, which increases the...

A Short Case Study: Apical Control Is Critical with the Inferior Alveolar Nerve

A patient came in with pain on tooth No. 18. The diagnosis was a...

TMD Treatment May Alleviate Meniere’s Disease

Meniere’s disease is a common disorder of the inner ear that affects more than...