Todays Dental News

Flossing May Cause Peri0implant Disease

A recent study published by the Wiley Online Library says there is a possible...

New Confocal Microscope Aids Research At Utsd

A new confocal microscope system at The University of Texas School of Dentistry at...

Top 7 Handpieces of 2015

We asked, and you responded. Here are the top 7 handpieces, as selected by...

New Study Indicates Dental Treatment With Anesthesia is Safe During Pregnancy

Pregnant woman don’t need to have any qualms about undergoing a dental procedure that...

Researcher Pinpoints Possible Underlying Cause of Metastases in Oral Cancer

A new discovery may change the way oral cancer is treated. An abnormal immune...

Dental Coverage for Medicaid Patients Won’t Eliminate Emergency Room Visits

More than 2 percent of emergency room visits could be easily avoided. That’s because...

Scientists’ Silk Structure Could Lead to Regeneration of Salivary Cells

Tissue engineering could aid millions of people who suffer from dry mouth from Sjögren’s...

Teeth May Reveal Plenty of Information

A simple study of teeth may include more information than one would think. Manish...

Number of Dental Patients Visiting Emergency Room Continues to Rise

People with no other options for dental care are doing whatever they can to...

Teenagers Who Skip Breakfast More Likely to Have Bad Breath

Teenagers should make sure to eat breakfast based on information from a new study....