How to Offer Patients the Best Elective Cosmetic Dentistry
Harvey Silverman, DMD How many patients do you and your hygienist see in a day? Ten, 15, more—whatever that number happens to be,.
Dentistry Today is The Nation’s Leading Clinical News Magazine for Dentists. Here you can get the latest dental news from the whole world quickly.
Harvey Silverman, DMD How many patients do you and your hygienist see in a day? Ten, 15, more—whatever that number happens to be,.
Harvey Silverman, DMD In this edition of Silverman On Smiles: Cosmetic Dentistry SOS I want to encourage you to consider the benefits of.
Harvey Silverman, DMD In this edition of Silverman On Smiles: Cosmetic Dentistry SOS, I want to encourage you to consider the benefits of.
Harvey Silverman, DMD Would you like to expand your elective cosmetic dentistry practice? If your answer is “YES!” then you will enjoy reading.
Michael D. Goldstein, DDS, FAGD It’s impossible to pick up a journal or attend a dental seminar without being exposed to a host.
Sandy Pardue Many times dentists express interest in becoming a better leader. I always tell them that becoming a good leader is a.
Linda Miles, CSP, CMC Marketing Ideas PATIENT APPRECIATION DAY It’s external marketing that gets the phone to ring and new patients are certainly.
Sandy Pardue Despite the economy, some practices are expanding. They are working differently, adopting new protocols, improving customer services, and changing their focus..
Sandy Pardue The majority of broken appointments occur due to the lack of control by the practice. I’m referring to the lack of.