Industry News

Pediatric Groups Identify Oral Signs of Child Abuse and Neglect

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD)...

Dentists Advised to Stay the Course in Antibiotics Debate

To combat antimicrobial resistance, physicians typically tell patients to complete their full courses of...

MacPractice Announces MacPractice DDS Generation 7

MacPractice, Inc. released MacPractice’s next generation practice management and clinical software, macOS Sierra and...

Gum Disease Increases Cancer Risk in Older Women

Postmenopausal women with a history of gum disease have a higher risk of cancer,...

Hay and Water Sources Saddle Horses with Dental Caries

Human beings aren’t the only people who need to watch their diets to prevent...

Dental Health Act on Its Way to the Full House

The House’s Energy and Commerce Committee passed HR 2422, the Action for Dental Health...

FDA Launches New Strategy for Fighting Nicotine Addiction

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced a comprehensive, multi-year plan for tobacco...

Dugoni Celebrates White Coat Ceremony

University of the Pacific’s Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry celebrated its 19th annual...

Kids Wait Months for Dental Treatment in Scotland

As many as 400 children in the Greater Glasgow and Clyde regions of Scotland...

Patients Underestimate What General Dentists Can Do

Some Americans don’t realize that their dental wellness checkups cover more than hygiene, according...