Science and Medicine

Right-Handedness Prevailed 500,000 Years Ago

New research shows that distinctive markings on fossilized teeth correlate to the right or...

Study Claims US Meat and Poultry May be Contaminated

Strains of Staphylococcus aureus are present in meat and poultry from US grocery stores...

Treatments for Gambling Addiction

The bullet passes through the brain at such high velocity that it sends a...

Fossil Provides Hints to Earth’s First Flowers

Scientists from the United States and China have discovered the first intact fossil of...

U.S. Obesity Epidemic Now Requiring Fatter Crash Test Dummies

Crash test dummies are having to be enlarged in response to the country’s obesity...

To the Brain, Getting Burned, Getting Dumped Feel the Same

“As a clinician, I like studies like this because patients often don’t understand why...

Tortoise’s Leg Amputated, Replaced by Wheels

Red-footed tortoises are native to South America and are common pets in Brazil. Take...

“Junk Food” Moms Have “Junk Food” Babies

“How ironic that your mother nags you to eat your fruits and vegetables, but...

Japan Battles Nuclear Crisis, Power Effort Crucial

Japan has raised the severity rating of the nuclear crisis from level 4 to...

Scans Show Surprising Differences in Brain-Injury Patients

“Not all minimally conscious patients are the same, and not all patients with locked-in...