Brain Cells—Not Lack of Willpower—Determine Obesity, Study Finds
Professor Michael Cowley discovered that a high-fat diet caused brain cells to become insulated from the body, rendering the cells unable to detect.
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Professor Michael Cowley discovered that a high-fat diet caused brain cells to become insulated from the body, rendering the cells unable to detect.
“Stress is a serious part of modern life affecting many areas of health and life,” Koren said. “This study has implications for research.
“Both the combined agents and the combined treatments work better than single agents or treatments in prevention of skin cancer,” Dr. Walaszek said..
Fire up the citronella-scented tiki torches, and slather on the DEET: Everybody knows these simple precautions repel insects, notably mosquitoes, whose bites not.
Drinking more water before meals can help promote weight loss, new research suggests. (Credit: iStockphoto/Lise Gagne) Has the long-sought magic potion in society’s.
New QUIETPRO earplug with built-in noise dose meter. (Credit: Photo by Marit Hommedal/Statoil) Some 600 cases of noise-induced hearing impairment are reported by.
Alcohol-related motor vehicle accidents claim 17,000 American lives each year—the equivalent of one death every 30 minutes. A new study shows the impact.
“This information will allow us to predict where a particular nanomaterial will end up in the human body, and whether or not it.
Men who reported having a good relationship with their father during childhood were more likely to be less emotional when reacting to stressful.
“Our study results challenge people to rethink the way they structure weight loss programs.” CINCINNATI—Most weight loss programs try to motivate individuals with.