May/June 2020
INFECTION CONTROL The "New Normal?" Navigating Through the COVID-19 Pandemic Drs. Jacinthe M. Paquette, Cherilyn G. Sheets, and Jean C. Wu share.
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INFECTION CONTROL The "New Normal?" Navigating Through the COVID-19 Pandemic Drs. Jacinthe M. Paquette, Cherilyn G. Sheets, and Jean C. Wu share.
DIGITAL DENTISTRY Doctor-Lab Communication in the Digital Age Dr. Gary Kaye speaks about the role and importance of communication with the dental.
AESTHETICS Conservative Treatment of a Non-Consonant Smile Arc Dr. Thomas E. Dudney outlines a conservative approach to the treatment of a non-consonant.
TECHNOLOGY What You Can’t See Can Hurt You! Ensuring Success Via Full Polymerization of Composites Dr. Douglas L. Lambert discusses the importance.
ENDODONTICS Interdisciplinary Endodontics Dr. John West discusses principles that lead to endodontic predictability and shares several long-term interdisciplinary results where endodontics provided the.
IMPLANTS From a Removable Appliance to a Fixed Prosthesis: That’s Just What the Doctor Ordered! Drs. Timothy F. Kosinski and Stephanie Tilley.
IMPLANTS Minimally Invasive Mini Dental Implants Dr. Todd E. Shatkin, Mr. Arman Ghafarian, Mr. Jared E. Shatkin, Mr. Kyle Hayes, and Dr..
INTERVIEW Trends in All-Ceramic Material Options Dr. Kenneth A. Malament candidly shares his professional expertise and candid perspectives related to all-ceramic dental.
TECHNOLOGY Laser-Assisted Techniques Increase Efficiency and Comfort Dr. Jeffrey P. Cranska describes how he used 2 different laser systems to assist with.
TECHNOLOGY Treating Peri-implantitis Dr. Edward R. Kusek showcases the use of lasers in the treatment of peri-implantitis in a case report. Implants.