Is Your Focus On Production Robbing Profitability From Your Private Dental Practice?
3 Key Factors To Watch Out For… Written by: Scott J. Manning, MBA The major discussions in dentistry always seem to focus on.
Dentistry Today is The Nation’s Leading Clinical News Magazine for Dentists. Here you can get the latest dental news from the whole world quickly.
3 Key Factors To Watch Out For… Written by: Scott J. Manning, MBA The major discussions in dentistry always seem to focus on.
Dentistry Today’s editor-in-chief, Dr. Paul Feuerstein, sits down with Dr. Nirmala Prabhu from Unum to discuss the relationship between dentists and the dental.
Fatty acids from bacteria present in gum disease may cause Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS)-related lesions and tumors in the mouth. The information comes from.
Poor oral health may cause rheumatoid arthritis, based on a new study. Researchers from the University of Louisville determined that poor oral health.
Tooth decay may be even worse than originally thought. A new study suggests that tooth decay may push back growth in children. The.
It may be beneficial for children to be given fluoride even earlier than they receive it now, according to the American Dental Association..
How did KaVo Kerr Group get started, and what was the goal at the time? KaVo Kerr Group really originated back in 2004,.
It’s important for parents to know basic dental first aid, according to a new study. The American Academy of Pediatrics compiled a study.
High-fluoride toothpaste may be beneficial in numerous ways. A Swedish study from Malmo University suggests that this toothpaste thwarts white spots from developing.
People with dental insurance aren’t necessarily using it, according to a new study. Researchers at the University of Maryland School of Dentistry concluded.