Certain Molecule is Necessary for Tooth Root Formation
The International and American Associations for Dental Research recently made a discovery that could be pivotal for tooth root formation. The protein called.
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The International and American Associations for Dental Research recently made a discovery that could be pivotal for tooth root formation. The protein called.
Mercury use throughout the world could begin to decrease and eventually be phased out. The United Nations recently discussed the issue but no.
There could be a correlation between blindness and tooth loss. A recent study in the Journal of Periodontology has linked the two. The.
Some areas of Australia could use an infusion of dentists. The rural areas of New South Wales are currently experiencing a shortage of.
There may be a clear reason why there as an increase in gum disease risk for pregnant women: higher estrogen levels. A research.
A new report shows that the bacteria that causes gum disease manipulates the immune system to hinder normal processes that would usually eliminate.
Scientists are now trying to do everything they can to treat tooth sensitivity. That’s why they recently developed a report on trying to.
Fashion braces have become a new trend in Asia. The problem is no one figured to check the health ramifications. Health experts in.
More children are undergoing cosmetic dentistry procedures, such as having dental veneers and teeth whitening. Pediatric dentists are increasingly being asked to place.
William Escobar, 40, was arrested in Moorpark, Calif, after an investigation revealed that he was providing illegal dental services in the bathroom of.