Halloween Candy, Frequency, Not Amount, Raises Cavity Risk
Halloween can present a very scary time of year for any parent concerned about their child’s oral health, since kids will probably come.
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Halloween can present a very scary time of year for any parent concerned about their child’s oral health, since kids will probably come.
A British angler has caught one of the most ferocious fish ever encountered. Jeremy Wade reeled in the prehistoric looking monster on a.
A team of University of Rochester scientists is using the technique of Raman spectroscopy to study 2 common dental plaque bacteria, Streptococcus sanguis.
Researchers at West Virginia University found a gene they believe causes a “sweet tooth.” The study was conducted over a seven-year period and.
A wolverine will have four root canals performed on it by veterinary dentists in Winnipeg, according to CBC News. The wolverine is considered.
Early childhood caries can impact children who are not even 1-year-old. “Baby bottle tooth decay” is one of the largest chronic diseases for.
Having wisdom teeth removed during young adulthood not only improves dental and oral health, but may also reduce the chance of illness later.
A recent study has demonstrated that a woman who takes calcium supplements while she is pregnant may help children’s teeth. The new study.
Doctors have been left mystified after finding a tooth lodged in a man’s ear. Stephen Hirst, an ex-miner, suffered from an excruciating earache.
SINGAPORE—An American-trained dentist who runs a clinic in Singapore says small-mouthed Asians can injure their jaws with large Western burgers. In a Voice.