Top 25 Impant Products 2012


The new ETIII SA Implant features a sand-blasted, acid-etched surface that creates an ideal...

OCO Biomedical

Loaded with innovative design features, the I-Mini dental implant system has all the functionality...

Sun Dental Labs

SunTech Custom Implant Abutments come in titanium, zirconia, and hybrid materials, are platform-independent, and...


The Atlas System is designed for long-term use to effectively retain and stabilize dentures....

Tischler Dental

The Prettau Zirconia Implant Bridge is a screw-retained implant bridge that revolutionizes implant prosthetics....

OCO Biomedical

Loaded with innovative design features, the I-Mini dental implant system has all the functionality...


The ASTRA TECH Implant System is designed with a unique combination of interdependent features...


Crestal bone preservation through the PREVAIL implant’s integrated platform-switching feature optimizes patient aesthetics with...


Maintaining optimal aesthetics and general health are both a driving force for advances in...

Straumann USA

Roxolid for All is an advanced combination of Roxolid material, SLActive surface technology, and...