CDA Cancels September Show in San Francisco


The California Dental Association (CDA) has canceled CDA Presents the Art and Science of Dentistry, which was scheduled for September 10 through September 12 in San Francisco, after evaluating current public health guidance related to COVID-19 and the organization of large-scale events in California and San Francisco County.

The health and safety of the greater dental community is always CDA’s highest priority, the organization said, adding that it has supported members throughout the pandemic and will continue to transition many programs to adapt to the COVID-19 environment while meeting dentists’ current and evolving need.

Now, the CDA said, it is developing alternative learning and networking opportunities for dentists and their teams, including a virtual continuing education (CE) event with a virtual exhibit hall to be held this fall. Details about the virtual event will be shared soon, the CDA said.

The CDA further said that CE courses are now available through its Brightbox online learning platform. Fees for courses required by the Dental Board of California will be waived through June 30. And, the CDA said, it is continuing to provide news and updates about the pandemic online as well as resources for safely returning to practice.

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