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CE Leaders: In the Limelight

It is with great pleasure that we present Dentistry Today‘s 17th annual Leaders in Continuing Education directory. While in no way intended to be an exhaustive or complete listing of active CE leaders in North America, we are proud to bring you a listing of many of the noted authors, lecturers, and business consultants who are contributing to quality educational activities within our profession. Some Leaders are invited to send in an application for this honor by the publisher or a member of the editorial team, while others are referred for consideration to be included by a colleague or friend. If you notice that someone significant is missing in our prestigious lineup, feel free to contact our editorial team to nominate that individual for consideration for next year’s directory.

I would also like to take this opportunity to openly thank our hard-working editorial and graphics team for managing this project. The behind-the-scenes information gathering for the Leaders portion of this annual cover and Leaders in CE section (both in print and at dentistrytoday.com) begins in the spring of each year. As you can imagine, the time and attention to details that it takes to put all this together is significant. Special kudos go to Ali Cook, Adrienne Rizzo, and Janice Yawdoszyn for yet another excellent Leaders in CE section. We hope that this information assists meeting planners and others involved in choosing and providing the best in CE.

We have a great lineup of articles this month: Dr. David Beach discusses how careful measurements of both instruments and filling materials help ensure endodontic success; Dr. Amir Esfandiari outlines a minimally invasive extraction technique and immediate implant placement in the aesthetic zone; in our Viewpoint selection, Dr. Lisa Knowles talks about many business decisions and challenges faced by young doctors; Dr. David Mangot showcases predictable bone-grafting techniques via several mini case reports; Dr. Harold Sussman discusses a one-piece, handheld guide that can be used to improve accuracy in the placement of small-diameter implants; and Dr. Dan Ward presents a look at varied clinical applications of glass ionomer as a restorative material. In our formally peer-reviewed article, available for 2 FAGD/MAGD CEUs, Dr. Larry Gottesman, in part 2 of his article series, continues his discussion that looks at arthritis of the TMJ and other joints as an infectious disease.

We hope that you enjoy and benefit from this special issue of Dentistry Today. All of us here send our best wishes to you and yours for a healthy and happy holiday season!