Industry News

Celebrate Dental Infection Control Awareness Month

The Organization for Safety, Aspesis and Prevention (OSAP) is ramping up its efforts to support Dental Infection Control Awareness Month (DICAM) this September. DICAM helps clinicians and infection control coordinators promote a safe and professional environment, encourage patient dialogue, attract new patients, and enhance the overall image of their practice, OSAP said.

“As we continue to face these uncharted waters during the COVID-19 pandemic, DICAM is even more significant this year. During #DICAM20, we are giving dental professionals access to free resources, most of which are usually reserved as a member-only benefit,” said Michelle Lee, CPC, executive director of OSAP.

“These resources range from checklists, frequently asked questions and answers, patient scripts, to whitepapers. This information can be used year-round to ensure that every dental visit is a safe one,” Lee said.

This year’s theme is “Break the Chain!” Support materials and resources for DICAM including suggested messaging and images for social media are available at Each week will have a different infection control focus, including hand hygiene, dental unit waterlines, personal protective equipment (PPE), and instrument sterilization.

“We encourage everyone in the dental industry to participate. We hope to see dental practices, educators, consultants, and those in the dental trade posting infection control best practices, success stories, or selfies on social media and join the conversation using the hashtag #DICAM20,” Lee said.

“There are so many in the industry that are doing great things to keep their patients safe. We want to hear about them all so we can come together, as a community, and continue to promote the importance of dental infection control,” Lee said.

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