Celebrate Dental Infection Control Awareness Month This September


The Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP) is ramping up its efforts to support Dental Infection Control Awareness Month (DICAM) in September. OSAP introduced DICAM as an annual observance to help clinicians and infection control coordinators promote a safe, professional environment, encourage patient dialogue, attract new patients, and enhance the overall image of their practice.

“We want to take our participation in DICAM to a whole new level,” said Andy Whitehead, interim OSAP executive director. “It’s critical that we continue to support dental teams, clinicians, and infection control coordinators as they work diligently to address current and emerging threats and stay up to date on complex policies and guidelines.”

During DICAM 2018, new members are offered a special, discounted annual online membership for $20.18, which includes access to the DICAM materials, a weekly infection control news roundup, and six patient engagement tools throughout the year. Support materials and resources for DICAM are available on the OSAP website for members of the organization.

Dental practices, educators, consultants, and those in the dental trade are encouraged to “Take Safety Viral” by posting infection control best practices, success stories, or selfies on social media and joining the conversation using the hashtag #DICAM18.

“OSAP helps dental practices across the country educate and train staff and promote a culture of safety,” Whitehead said. “By welcoming new members to the OSAP community during DICAM this year, we hope to ensure that safety really does go viral, and not just during September.”

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