Ceramic Implants: Two Day Hands-On & Live Patient Training Course

ceramic implants
Don't miss your opportunity to attend this top tier course on ceramic implants.


Recently, we shared news of the IAOCI Ceramic Implant Meeting heading to Washington, DC to host their 11th annual meeting from May 19 to May 21, 2022. As a follow up to that meeting, Dr. Sam Noumbissi is offering more information about ceramic implants at a course in North Carolina.

ceramic implants

Don’t miss your opportunity to attend this top tier course on ceramic implants.

The information can be found by CLICKING HERE.

The course will go from July 22 through July 23, 2022 at the Hilton Garden Inn – Waverly, which is located in Charlotte, North Carolina.


  • The scientific differences between ceramic implants and titanium implants.
  • Data on integration success rates.
  • Case selection criteria including ideal tissue and bone volumes needed for success.
  • Prevention and management of complications.
  • Review of surgical protocols and how they differ from Titanium implants.
  • Restorative discussion on differences. Marketing to find patients searching for a Metal Free Implant option.
  • Using the Science of Influence and Persuasion to increase case acceptance for ceramic dental implants in your practice.
  • The afternoon session will include model work and placement of a dummy ceramic implant.


  • Each attendee will watch a live demo surgery by Drs. Phelps and Dr. Noumbissi.
  • Each attendee will work with a patient to place a ceramic implant, regardless of their state license.
  • Each attendee will assist another participant for their surgery.
  • End of day review and discussion of all cases placed that day.
  • You will assist or observe 2-4 ceramic implant surgeries and get to place one implant on a live patient.

If you’re interested in learning more about this specialty from an expert in the field, do yourself a favor and look into this course.

Again, you can CLICK HERE for information on pricing. 

Don’t miss this opportunity!


Dr. Noumbissi obtained his Doctorate in Dental Surgery from Howard University in Washington DC. He was then selected to attend the prestigious Loma Linda University Graduate Program in Implant Dentistry.

There he received three years of formal training in dental implantology which culminated with a certificate in Implant Dentistry and a Master of Science degree in Implant Surgery. He is a researcher, author and has published book chapters and articles in implant dentistry and ceramic implants in peer reviewed dental journals.

He is a visiting professor at the University of Milan, the University of Chiety-Pescara in Italy and visiting researcher in the materials department at INSA Lyon in France. Dr. Noumbissi is the founder and current president of the International Academy of Ceramic Implantology which is an independent association focused on metal free and ceramic implantology.

He is a fellow and Ambassador at the Clean Implant Foundation whose mission is to assess production quality and purity of commercially available dental implant surfaces. Dr. Noumbissi has been practicing and educating dentists on metal free implantology since 2009.

His practice is in Silver Spring, Maryland USA.

FEATURED IMAGE CREDIT: Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay.