Change and New Opportunities in 2020


Happy New Year! We are proud to launch our 39th year in print!

In this issue, along with another great lineup of clinical articles, we bring you our 27th Annual Equipment Buyers’ Guide. This section serves as an excellent resource for clinicians who are just starting out in practice or those who may be interested making some revisions or updates to their dental offices.

We have an important announcement related to our popular Implants Today section of Dentistry Today. Dr. Timothy F. Kosinski is taking over this month as our new Implants Today editor. Over the years, I have had the privilege of getting to know Tim both personally and professionally. In a word, he is a dynamo! Tim is full of positive energy that surrounds and supports his zeal and love for the profession, especially implant and restorative dentistry.

Many of you will readily recognize him as he has had many articles published over the years in Dentistry Today. In addition to his practice and time devoted to his family (3 beautiful children), he serves in editorial positions for the Michigan Dental Association and the Academy of General Dentistry and has been a recognized leader in Dentistry Today’s Leaders in Continuing Education for many years now. Also, for the past 12 years, Tim has been a mentor in the dental implant program at the Engel Institute in Charlotte, NC, where dentists are provided with training to become proficient in implant dentistry via both didactic learning and by working on patients.

In summing up how Tim feels about helping others and taking on yet another publication-related position with Dentistry Today, he made the following statement: “I like to say that I was blessed with great mentors throughout my dental career, and it is a joy to be able to share my experiences and insights with the next generation of dentists!”

Welcome to the team, Tim! We look forward to working, and networking, with you to help make the implant section even better in 2020 and beyond!

Please enjoy another exciting year of Dentistry Today, the nation’s leading clinical news magazine for dentists!

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