Munce Discovery Burs feature round carbide heads on 31- (Shallow Trougher) and 34-mm (Deep Trougher) nonflexible shafts that facilitate positive troughing control for locating separated instruments and uncovering hidden canals. These longer-than-standard length burs draw the handpiece head away from tooth structure, creating the favorable geometry that opens a functional view corridor to the deep target area. In contrast to standard-shaft diameters of 2.4 mm, the narrow shafts of Munce Discovery Burs—0.7 mm on the 3 smallest head sizes and 1.0 mm on all other head sizes—prevent shaft impingement on deep access cavity walls, significantly reducing ledging and perforation risk while preserving shaft stiffness. In addition, the 0.7-mm shaft on the smallest head sizes allows parallel cement-line dissection around posts and post core-out procedures while offering visibility of the tiny heads in deep operations. For more information, call (888) 256-0999 or visit the Web site