Clear Aligners: Harnessing the Power of Comprehensive Marketing to Boost Cases at Your Practice

Written by: Jackie Ulasewich-Cullen
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Clear aligners are HOT! Dentists everywhere have added them to their menu of services. Whether your practice is new to the clear aligners game or has been offering them for years, perhaps your marketing could use a little help to attract the number of patients you desire. Marketing for clear aligners can be simple and manageable with some essential activities that will make a big difference in the results.

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The first step in initiating a successful clear aligners marketing campaign is taking a comprehensive approach, which means dedicating more than one marketing channel or activity to clear aligners. In our experience, the best formula is a combination of advertising and educational content, including:

  • Google and social media ads
  • Emails to existing patients
  • Social media posts
  • Educational videos
  • SEO

Why implement a comprehensive marketing strategy rather than rely on word of mouth to attract clear aligner cases? First and foremost, the more marketing channels your practice has working toward the same goal, the more people will see the message and consider your practice when inquiring about clear aligners. A comprehensive marketing approach promotes product awareness across all marketing channels and increases short and long-term success rates. Taking a comprehensive approach is also a highly effective and efficient way to use marketing resources to achieve a specific goal.


Stressing pain points resonates with patients who are good candidates for clear aligners. A pain point is essentially another way to say “problem.” Obvious pain points for patients needing orthodontic treatment might be:

  • Uncomfortable smiling in pictures
  • Embarrassed to laugh or smile in social situations
  • Difficulty flossing and maintaining oral hygiene
  • Jaw pain (if you are using clear aligners to treat TMD)

The language you use to call attention to pain points also matters. Descriptive words that create discomfort and unease will emphasize the problem and increase the urgency to seek treatment. Positioning clear aligners as the solution to the patient’s problems will pique their interest and prompt them to inquire.


Piggy-backing on pain points, before-and-after images, as well as videos of patient testimonials, have a similar effect. Patients can see themselves in the before pictures and visualize their future smiles in the after pictures. In the case of video testimonials, if the patient’s case is especially compelling, for instance, they are older than average or had a particularly severe problem, it may serve as the proof someone else needs that clear aligners will work for them. Conversely, a more subtle or average case will resonate with patients who might believe embarking on a treatment journey is not worthwhile. In essence, presenting a variety of cases, from mild to severe and from younger to older, shows potential patients that clear aligners are suitable for nearly everyone.


I am a big fan of blogging. It is an excellent platform for educational content and, through SEO and linking to and from other marketing platforms, it increases visibility. The blog format is flexible, and content can be “recycled” every few months, meaning that the main topic can be the same but approached from a different angle to keep it fresh and contribute to the overall marketing goal of attracting clear aligner cases. For example, the first blog post explains the basics of clear aligners and the types of problems they correct. The next blog, 2 or 3 months later, can focus on the specific benefits of clear aligners over traditional braces. A third blog could highlight a recent case, linking to a video of a patient testimonial or the doctor commenting on before-and-after images. A fourth blog might focus on clear aligners as an option for adults who had braces as teens and whose teeth have since shifted out of alignment. All four blogs are about clear aligners, but the content is different enough not to be repetitive, enhancing SEO and overall visibility. Social media posts can call attention to the blogs and link directly to them to boost this effect.

Clear aligners are a tremendous opportunity for dental practices to expand their services and attract new patients. However, success in a competitive market demands a strategic marketing approach. By leveraging multiple channels, including Google and social media ads, email campaigns, educational content, SEO, and engaging blog posts, you can significantly boost your practice’s visibility and appeal to potential patients. Addressing patients’ pain points and showcasing real-life success stories through before-and-after images and testimonials create a strong emotional connection, making the case for clear aligners even more compelling.

Effective marketing is not a one-time effort but an ongoing process. By continuously updating and refreshing content, it stays relevant, enhancing success immediately and long term. Embracing this comprehensive strategy will increase interest and inquiries for clear aligners at your practice, helping more patients achieve their goals while also achieving your own.


With more than a decade of experience in corporate dental laboratory marketing and brand development, Jackie Ulasewich-Cullen decided to take her passion for the dental business and marketing to the next level by founding My Dental Agency.

Since starting her company, she and her team have helped a wide variety of practices all over the nation focus their message, reach their target audience, and increase their sales through effective marketing campaigns.

She can be reached at (800) 689-6434 or via email at