Clinical Update

Candida Levels of Maxillary Removable Appliances

Candida colonization following or­tho­­dontic treatment can lead to oral candidosis as a complication of maxillary removable appliance treatment. During orthodontic treat­ment, it is important to minimize colonization to prevent active infection that could interfere with treatment. Hygiene is the most important factor in managing colonization. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial by Dr. Stephen Decelis et al investigated the efficacy of Nitr­Adine to reduce Candida. The study in­volved 92 patients 11 to 14 years of age who were recruited at the Children’s and the University Den­tal Clinics at Mater Dei Hospital, Tal-Qroqq, Msida, Malta. Forty-four patients used the product with Nitr­Adine, while 48 patients used a placebo. Sampling employing the imprint technique was performed before and after the product was used. Brilliance Candida agar was used for cultures and identification. Further identification was per­formed using Auxa­color 2 when required. The study found that the control group had a statistically significant in­crease in Can­dida during treatment, while the experimental group had a nonstatist­ical­ly significant decrease. The au­thors conclude that Nitr­Adine may reduce the Candida burden in maxillary removable appliances. Larger sample sizes are needed to achieve statistical signifi­cance.

(Source: Quint­essence Inter­national, 2012, Vol­ume 43, Issue 3, pages 239 to 245)