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Clinician Training Correlates With Dental Implant Success

There is a correlation between the success rate of implants and the training that the clinician has had, according to Jyoti Sonkar, BDS, MSD, MPH, a clinical assistant professor at the University of New England College of Dental Medicine.

Sonkar’s study explored clinician training as a variable in implant outcome, examining success rates among residents in different departments at the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center School of Dentistry.

Sonkar reviewed dental records from January 1, 2011, to December 31, 2015, studying implants performed by residents in the school’s departments of periodontics, prosthodontics, and oral and maxillofacial surgery (OMFS).

In total, 1,449 implants were included in the study, with 106 failures. The implants placed by periodontics residents had the highest success rate (94.14%), followed by the prosthodontics residents (91.48%), and then OMFS residents (89.64%).

Also, implants placed by third-year periodontics and OMFS residents had a success rate of 94.20%, while those placed by second-year residents had a success rate of 89.38%. Those placed by first-year residents were 88.6% successful.

Sonkar noted that further studies will be necessary to identify the reasons for the differences in success rates, though with an increasing number of dentists placing implants, limiting their failures should be a treatment goal for the modern dental practice.

The study, “Retrospective Study to Identify Associations Between Clinician Training and Dental Implant Outcome and to Compare the Use of MATLAB with SAS,” was published by the Journal of Implant Dentistry.

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